Our taproom accepts all major credit card and gratuity is included in the price. If you would like to reward us with a donation to our charity of the month, we do graciously appreciate it.
Why don't you accept cash? First and foremost is the is the safety and well being of our staff. Not having cash on site is a safety precaution for our late night staff. Also we do not staff our hotel at night, so storing cash on site would also be a vulnerability. Not handling cash allows our staff to to focus on providing an outstanding customer experience. Second is handling cash is not only another burden on our staff, but a cost to our business. We have a point of sale and accounting system in place that keeps our services streamlined. Having to handle cash, count the cashbox, keep a safe secured on site, properly account for cash sales, and daily runs to the bank are all costs that would have to be reflected in our pricing. We have made the choice to keep our prices reasonable.
Why don’t you allow tipping? First and foremost is we believe in paying our employees a living wage. We consider each of our employees an ambassador for our brand and we expect them to provide excellent service to our customers. This includes our bartenders, our kitchen staff, our hotel staff, and our cleaning staff. Our employees make us successful and we want them to share in our success. Tipping has been used throughout the years to artificially keep wages low. Some people don’t realize that often employers pay less than minimum wage and expect it to be made up in tips. Under Illinois law, this allows tipped employees to be paid only 60% of minimum wage (currently $14/hr). This practice is very unique to our country and has roots back to slavery. We have made the choice to pay our employees a living and reliable hourly wage that is not dependent which hours they choose to work or how busy our taproom is. Our job is to make sure we are staffed properly for busy hours and our staff has the proper tools to do their job at the highest level.
The last reason also has to do with why we don’t accept cash. Once again, accounting for tipping is a burden on the employee and our business. Some people are not aware that tips have to be accounted by both the employee and the employer to pay the proper taxes on them. As proper citizens, we take paying our taxes seriously and have made the choice to make it as simple for everyone involved as possible.